In this post we share some excerpts from their emails so you can also learn more about our Scholarship Programme and the students we support.

Bouakham- "In my English class, I always use
games which I have learnt from JWOC in my teaching. Students love them very
much because it helps them to relax and not stress when they are learning
English. Therefore, it helps them to learn English well especially English
vocabulary. Using my new skills I have opened a small English class and taught
English for free for students."
Bopha-"My most joyful time this month is working at Art Class. The children are
great. They are likely coming to JWOC by themselves. That says that they really
like Art Class activities and understand about its benefits. They dare express
their ideas and their feeling to others. They learn to do things by themselves
with less help. And the most important point I would like to share, they are
more aware of their responsibilities on the environment. I am very appreciated
of them. "
Savin- "JWOC have good workshop a lot. Yesterday I joined
one-it is so good. I wish you good luck, good health, good happiness and get
successful in your work. Sending love from
Mengty- "Last month
after I finished my final exam at university, I went to my homeland with my
friends to meet my family. I was feelings very happy when I met them, because I
didn’t meet them many months ago. They asked me a lot about my living in Siem
Reap and my studying at here also, especially my mother. She always told me
that “you must study hard to get a bright future”, and motivated me
to put effort to studying."

Srey Ney - "This week I went to the old
village for check the filter that we take to them a few months ago and asked
them about the result before and after they used the filter. The answer from
them is the good result because before they never understand about the
important clean water and they always sick in their family because they never
care about the hygiene and how they use the water. But after we went to the
village and teach them about the hygiene and how to use and importance of the
filter. Now they get the knowledge more than before about hygiene and activity
they do every day. I’m so happy when I hear like this."
If you would like to sponsor a student you can donate online or by check, marking your
donation ‘scholarship’. We ask you make a 4 year commitment to your student. If
you are able to send sponsorship for the full four years that is wonderful, but
don’t worry if not, you can donate for each year individually ( $500). Please make your
donation before 31st August to make sure we can match you with a student for
this coming academic year.
I look
forward to welcoming you as a new sponsor and introducing you to your student
in September!