Hello! Please Introduce yourself
My name is Khung Votty
an I’m 12 years old, I have 2 sisters and a brother
Are you in school? What grade do you
I study in grade 6 in
school and my favorite subject is Math. I like math because I like doing the homework,
when I grow up I’d like to study accountancy and be an accountant.
Why do you want to be an accountant?
I enjoy playing around
with numbers, but I also want to help my mum. I can help her with her finances
so our family has more money.
do you like to do in your free time?
In my free time I like
to help my mother, she is a housewife so I help her with the household chores,
mostly cooking rice and washing the dishes. I love to play football when I can!
What’s your favorite food?
Tom yam soup and fried
What position do you play in football?
What’s your favorite team?
I play as a striker
when I play and my favorite team is Real Madrid, but my favorite player is
Do you like school? How does it compare to JWOC?
How often do you come to JWOC?
I come to JWOC 4 days
per week to learn English, I’ve been coming for almost two years now and I’m at
‘way ahead 2a’ level (intermediate level). I want to increase my English
knowledge, I often go to the library and read the English books and my favorite
book is ‘The Blind Man’.
Do you do any other activities in JWOC?
I was in JWOC’s Got
Talent, I sang and was also involved in a dance performance.
Do you think JWOC has helped you to
realize your goals?
JWOC has definitely
helped me, my English is much better than it was!Thank you very much for your time!
Thank you, Bye!